Fats, Oils and Grease Tank

Fat, oil and grease (FOG) management is an ever-growing concern for both solid waste facilities and wastewater treatment plant operators.

  • When not disposed of properly, FOG builds up in the sewer system constricting flow, which can cause sewer back-ups into homes and overflow discharges onto streets.
  • Sewer backups into homes create a health hazard as well as an unpleasant mess that can cost thousands of dollars to clean.
  • In certain cities FOG can enter storm drains and flow directly into water bodies and onto beaches creating serious environmental and health conditions.

An engineered tank system with the proper fittings and ancillary equipment from Poly Processing can greatly simplify working with FOG.

For additional information on storing fat, oil, and grease, including recommended tanks and components, download our F.O.G. Guide.

  • Download the Fats, Oils, and Greases Guide
  • Talk to a chemical storage tank expert