NSF/ANSI 61 Certification

The first and only company with a complete chemical tank certified to NSF/ANSI 61!

NSF/ANSI 61 addresses crucial aspects of drinking water system components.

Most products that come in contact with potable water are tested under NSF-61 with the pH 5, pH 8 and pH 10 exposure waters defined in the standard. These exposure waters were designed to simulate the wide variety of potable water chemistries encountered across North America. However, these exposure waters were not designed to predict leaching of materials caused by aggressive chemicals. To address this concern, NSF created a more extensive standard and certification. As a leader in the chemical storage tank industry, Poly Processing holds this more stringent chemical system certification and to make sure we provide the safest tank systems for drinking water safety, we certified the complete system from tank to bolt washers to this strict standard.

Read the NSF Case Study: Poly Processing Looks to NSF for Chemical Storage Tank Certification

Our NSF/ANSI 61 Certifications

NSF Certified Chemical Tank

Currently, we have NSF-61 Certification for 38 of the most popular water treatment chemicals on our XLPE tank systems. Additionally, our certifications cover XLPE tanks with the OR-1000™ system, our engineered antioxidant barrier. Poly tanks are certified for both potable water and chemical storage.

OR-1000™ resin and all associated fittings have been tested and certified by NSF. The OR-1000 resin system simply increases the life of a crosslinked polyethylene tank in oxidizing chemical applications giving the end user a greater cost effective solution. The OR-1000 system is an ideal solution to extend the life of your XLPE tank when storing oxidizing chemicals. The technology behind OR-1000 takes the guesswork out of choosing the right storage tank system, and it reduces the risks and maintenance costs of an FRP tank or a high-density linear polyethylene tank. The value, longevity, strength, and durability of the OR-1000 system can handle almost any chemical and stand the test of time.

PolyCL crosslink polyethylene resin and all associated fittings have been tested and certified by NSF. Poly Processing has NSF-61 certification for 38 chemicals on its crosslinked polyethylene tanks.

Poly Processing offers our NSF certified system solutions from all three production facilities.

For NSF 61 potable water tanks Poly Processing can supply a crosslinked polyethylene tank with a linear barrier system or a linear polyethyene tank.

Some of the Chemicals Our Tanks Are Certified In:

Acetic Acid ≤ 80%

Aluminum Chlorohydrate

Aluminum Sulfate ≤ 50% (Alum)

Calcium Carbonate 60–100%

Calcium Chloride ≤ 30%

Chlorine Dioxide ≤ 38%

Citric Acid ≤ 100%

Copper Sulfate ≤ 25%

Deionized Water

Ferric Chloride ≤ 50%

Ferric Sulfate ≤ 60%

Ferrous Chloride ≤ 37%

Ferrous Sulfate ≤ 30%

Hydrochloric Acid ≤ 37%

Hydrofluoric Acid ≤ 52%

Hydrofluosilicic Acid ≤ 30%

Hydrogen Peroxide ≤ 10%

Liquid Ammonium Sulfate 35–45%

Magnesium Chloride ≤ 35%

Peracetic Acid ≤ 30%

Phosphoric Acid ≤ 75%

Poly Aluminum Chloride ≤ 100%

Polyorthophosphate ≤ 100%

Potable Water

Potassium Hydroxide ≤ 50%

Potassium Permanganate ≤ 4%

Sodium Aluminate ≤ 100%

Sodium Bisulfite ≤ 40%

Sodium Carbonate ≤ 85%

Sodium Chloride ≤ 26%

Sodium Chlorite ≤ 34%

Sodium Hydroxide ≤ 50%

Sodium Hypochlorite ≤ 0.08%

Sodium Hypochlorite ≤ 15%

Sodium Permanganate ≤ 40%

Sodium Silicate ≤ 100%

Sulfuric Acid ≤ 98%

Zinc Orthophosphate ≤ 100%

Stickers that are placed on the tanks that are ordered with NSF certification:

NSF Certified Chemical Storage Tanks                  NSF Certified Chemical Storage Tank                   NSF Certified Potable Water Tank

View all of Poly Processing's NSF certifications and find out more about NSF-61 and its importance by downloading our NSF/ANSI-61 Guide

  • View Our NSF Certifications
  • Download Our NSF-61 Guide

Looking to learn more about NSF/ANSI 61 Certification and how it can vary? Our eBook covers topics such as NSF certification for potable water storage vs. chemical storage, certification differences based on your state, and system vs. tank certification. Decode NSF/ANSI 61 Certification today.

  • Download the NSF/ANSI 61 Decoded eBook

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