Lined Steel Vessels

Use PolyGard™ for lining steel vessels for increased performance and better chemical storage solutions.Lined Steel Vessels

Durable and chemical- and corrosion-resistant. Bonded to stainless steel or carbon steel vessels.

Benefits of PolyGard™

  • Peace of Mind
    • The structural integrity of steel plus the chemical & corrosion resistance of polyethylene
  • Environmental Care
    • Guards against costly spills and damage to the environment, especially off-shore
  • Leveraged Investment
    • Longer product life cycle versus Tenemic, Phenolic or Rubber “Spray-In” liners
    • 0.25” nominal thickness versus 0.06” thickness for “spray-in” liners
    • Multi-use service applications

Marine Transport TankLearn More About PolyGard™

PolyGard™ Brochure
PolyGard™ Specification
Letter of Understanding and Warranty
PolyGard™ General Information
PolyGard™ Frequently Asked Questions